Channel: Basanta Thapa
Category: Entertainment
Tags: sorathidhaulagiri himal ko chhayadohori songbishnu majhidhaulagiri himaltypical musicobi rayamajhilatest lok videotypical lok song 2017kaudabishnu majhi song 2074new salaijobasanta thapabishnu majhi new songdancing songtypical dancesagar aalebasanta thapa sueprhittypical nepali lok songtypicalrina thapabest lok song
Description: basanta thapa Musical tour in Europe | बसन्त थापा कार्यक्रम का लागी युरोप का बिभिन्न ठाउमा जादै | ©&P Basanta Thapa Subscribe us Youtube:- Find us on Facebook:- All the Audio and Video rights of this Music Video is owned only by Abhyas Digital Pvt. Ltd. Contact us at:- 9851138956 यस च्यानल मा रहेका गीत, संगीत तथा Video हरु कपि, Download गरी अन्य Channel मा upload गरेको पाएमा प्रचलित कानुन बमोजिम कडा भन्दा कडा कारबाही गरिनेछ । Embedding to a website is allowed.